Section 4.06.840. Identification of priority and focus schools.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The department will  
    		(1) identify schools that are designated as the one- or two-star schools under 4 AAC 06.835, and that are most likely to benefit from a significant program of improvement, and increased support and oversight from the district and the department, and designate those schools as priority schools; and  
    		(2) identify the schools in need of improvement and support at a level that is not as great as that of priority schools, and designate those schools as focus schools.  
    	(b)  In identifying a school as a priority or focus school, the department will consider  
    		(1) the school's score on Alaska school performance index, including the reasons for the score;  
    		(2) the achievement of the school's students on the state standards-based assessments described in 4 AAC 06.737, including the distribution of the students' scores among the proficiency levels and whether or not the school is meeting the annual measurable objective under 4 AAC 06.815 and participation rate under 4 AAC 06.820 in the assessments;  
    		(3) the achievement of the four subgroups listed in 4 AAC 06.812(c)(2) on the state standards-based assessments described in 4 AAC 06.737, including the distribution of the subgroups' scores among the proficiency levels and whether or not each subgroup is meeting the annual measurable objective under 4 AAC 06.815 and participation rate under 4 AAC 06.820 in the assessments; a subgroup with fewer than five students will not be considered under this paragraph;  
    		(4) the school's score on the growth and proficiency index under 4 AAC 33.540, both in the most recent year and averaged over three years;  
    		(5) the school's size, including whether the school has a large enough enrollment to benefit from the comprehensive turnaround principles that will be required of a priority school under 4 AAC 06.864;  
    		(6) the school's graduation rate;  
    		(7) whether the school serves a unique population of students, including whether the school would benefit from the comprehensive turnaround principles required of a priority school under 4 AAC 06.864;  
    		(8) the extent to which the school and district have already implemented effective comprehensive turnaround principles at the school; and  
    		(9) other information and data received during a desk audit, including the consultation with the superintendent of the district, that affects the extent to which the school would benefit from the comprehensive turnaround principles required of priority schools under 4 AAC 06.864.  
    	(c)  In identifying schools as priority and focus schools, the department will ensure that the number of  
    		(1) priority schools that are receiving funding under 20 U.S.C. 6301 - 6339 (Part A of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act) is at least five percent of all schools in the state receiving funding under 20 U.S.C. 6301 - 6339; and  
    		(2) focus schools that are receiving funding under 20 U.S.C. 6301 - 6339 (Part A of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act) is at least 10 percent of all schools in the state receiving funding under 20 U.S.C. 6301 - 6339.  
    	(d)  The department may designate an additional school as a priority or focus school at any time, if the department makes findings that the school will benefit from the designation. A school designated as a priority school keeps that designation for three years, and every three years the department will identify and designate priority schools. A school designated as a focus school keeps that designation for two years, and every two years the department will identify and designate focus schools.  




AS 14.03.123 AS 14.07.020 AS 14.07.060 AS 14.50.080
Eff. 11/23/2003, Register 168; am 9/1/2006, Register 179; am 7/25/2007, Register 183; am 10/16/2012, Register 204; am 10/16/2013, Register 208